We currently have a back-log of an Excess Maximum Return Capital Profit (EMRCP) of an average of 5% generated through private investment and corporate portfolio under our administration and control, and we intend to reinvest this fund by putting it into the management of general project owners, entrepreneurs and Investors with good business ideas and viable projects that can generate healthy return on investment.

Basic Loan Terms

  • Terms and Condition
  • Interest Rate 3% Per Annum
  • Debt to service coverage ration: 1.25% and above.
  • Minimum and maximum loan ticket USD 500,000.00 and USD 1,000,000,000.00
  • Maximum loan Duration: 20years
  • Loan collateral: Heavy Equipment , Landed Properties (GCC only) Surety Bonds.

Sectors of Interest: Oil & Gas, Agriculture, Health, Aviation, Tourism, Retail, Real Estate, Construction, IT & Communications, Technology, Education, Energy, Engineering, Utilities, Telecoms, Mining, Maritime and host of other profitable ventures.

Security Required: The borrower will be subject to obtain surety bond Insurance to guarantee the amount of loan required from us in case of default on (Non collateral basis), Or The Borrower will provide a perfected first lien and security interest in all assets, now owned or hereafter acquired (Collateral basis). Based on the above information, we shall be glad to receive your Project Plan/Executive Summary in a compatible format (PDF -recommended) for our review.

We expect your project plan to cover the following functional areas:

An introduction of your company and structure or an Introduction of the project owner/initiator Historical evaluation of business plan (if it is an already existing project or state if it is a new project)Financial structure and analysis to support the investment plan and proposition as presented In summary, you should state the total amount in US$ or Euros needed to fund the project in a clearly defined time frame

If your project is adopted after due consideration, we shall provide you with loan application form to supply other information and/ or documentation so as to be able to process the necessary prior to Investment Agreement which would be officially executed at our head office in Dubai during closing invitation.

Note: we may not be interested in your company's managerial role or partnership but keen to invest in any of your projects that can generate healthy Return on Investment at the said interest rate.